Hello, World

I've been meaning to start a blog for awhile now. Not because I felt the need to join the growing number of bloggers out there, but simply because sometimes I feel the need to share my thoughts on things. As is the nature with these sorta things the people in my daily life, including dear friends and family, sometimes do not wish to hear what I have to say about certain things as they do not entirely share all my interests. So I thought I could record my thoughts here, sorta like an online diary, open to those who wish to learn a little something about whatever it is I am loving at the moment. So hello all, and welcome to my blog :)

Just a little about myself:
I just turned 23 and live in Toronto, Canada. I just graduated university with a B.Sc and am now enrolled in a Graduate program for Behavioral Sciences in order to ultimately become a Behavior Therapist to children with Autism, hopefully in a year or two. 

My interests lie in beauty, fashion, books, photography and anything that is pretty really, hence the name Wonder Haven, so expect a variety of posts on this blog  :)


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